Julian Sherman

5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Onions

Onion is a natural remedy to combat with the hair fall, onion helps to fight against heart disease, It is also a great   source in fiber, chromium, biotin, vitamin B6 and C. Onion contains many nutritional and medicinal health benefits, According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, bladder infections can be easily treated with onion juice, promoting prostate health. Daily intake of onions that can lower your glucose levels.

Onion prevents the bleeding

Onions help to prevent the small scratches and cuts. Onion can be used as to stop bleeding from the nose. The bleeding will stop in an instant, repeat the procedure several times a day. And onion  is also important to stop bleeding piles and other bleeding problem.

Onions for Burns

Onion contains sulphur and quercetin, that helps to prevent the pain and heals the burns, It’s hard to believe, but a simple onion will help to heal sunburn. For this, Take one single onion and cut  it into small pieces, And then you can apply onion juice on the burns directly by rubbing it gently and leave for 2 minutes. Afterwards, apply egg white on the burn, the pain will disappear.

Onions help to prevent Headaches and Earache

Earaches are very unpleasant, but with the help of onions you can get rid of them in an instant. Put a piece of onion in your ears, and it will reduce inflammation. Tension headaches are the most common, If you are plagued by migraine, repeat this procedure before going to bed, leaving onions in your ears until the next morning.

Helps to prevent Cancer

Onion is rich in organosulfur compounds, Onions combined with turmeric helps to reduce the risk of cancer. According to the study of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, so it can reduce the risk of colon cancer, Also intestinal tract cancer.

Fight against Cardiovascular Disease

Onions contain sulfides, It is also found in garlic that can reduce blood lipids and blood pressure, people who follow avoid eating onions they had blood cholesterol levels, then who follow the diet with onions, onion is a rich source of flavonoids, Onions are helping to maintain good blood pressure, that fight against the cardiovascular disease. World Health Organization supports daily intake of onions extract are ideal for the treatment of poor appetite.