Julian Sherman

5 Practical Skills To Learn Before College

A college student is expected to have a lot of basic skills learned and memorized. It is critical that you learn these skills while you are still in high school – or even before. Learning these skills is not only important for the sake of being a mature adult – it is also a key tenant of being an independent adult. Many of these skills are quite easy and you’ll learn the hang of them after one or two tries – it’s not like you have to learn a new language. Some of these skills you have learned long ago, but it is important to understand that it is better late than never. Here are five practical skills to learn before college.


  1. Learn How to Do Your Laundry

Doing your own laundry is hugely important, because it is a basic skill that all adults should have. In fact, it should be second nature, especially with how easy and intuitive washing and drying machines are these days. The last thing you want is to drag your dirty laundry to a fluff and fold facility, because you may be spending too much money. Moreover, you don’t want to drag your dirty laundry home either.

  1. Learn How to Drive

Driving is another one of those skills you should have picked up around your 16th birthday. Of course, not everyone learns how to drive at 16 – either because they live in a city that doesn’t require you to learn how to drive or because you weren’t ready. However, before you get to college, you want to learn how to drive, because you may need it when you are on campus and need to get around.

  1. Learn How to Read a Map

If you are going to be driving, you want to learn how to read a map. Even if you want to learn how to get around campus, you’ll want to be able to use a map fluently. Of course, you can use your phone, but what happens when your phone’s battery dies or when you don’t have service? By being able to use a map, you will be able to get yourself out of a navigational bind.

  1. Learn How to Manage Your Money

When you are out of the house and going to college, you will need to learn how to manage your own money. You will have bills, rent and other expenses. Moreover, you will need to learn how to save your money. If you are going to UAB Online or another college, you will also need to learn how to pay for your tuition.

  1. Learn How to Manage an Apartment or Dorm

On top of everything, you will want need to learn how to hold on to an apartment or dorm. Not only do you want to learn how to fill out a rental application, you will also need to clean and keep things organized. If you have never learned how to manage an apartment, you can probably learn from someone that has. In the end, this skill will offer you the most independence of all.