Julian Sherman

5 Things Your Dermatologist Wants You To Know Before Visiting The Clinic

According to dermatologists at Associates in Dermatology, the most irritating situation when they actually get pissed off no matter how calm they are is when patients come without any planning. There are times when patients aren’t eligible for the treatment and they don’t even bother consulting first before visiting the clinic for injections. There are certain things that your dermatologist wants you to figure out before asking for botox injections.

Here are few of the things suggested by experts of Associates in Dermatology:   

Different people have different aesthetics and a dermatologist might not be aware with all of them at once. Your perception of beauty might be different with those of the doctor and that’s why you should proactively tell your doctor about the areas you need to get treated. Also, if possible, share the ideal result you desire so that the doctor knows what you actually have to do.

An experienced botox practitioner will know whether botox is the right treatment for you or not. To ensure that botox is the right treatment for you or not, first, consult a doctor and get to know whether you’re eligible for the treatment or not. If the dermatologist says NO, don’t even think of getting the treatment.

Some people don’t like the idea of openly discussing their medical history because of certain complications or maybe their nature is like that. But in a bid and quest to achieve better results, it’s mandatory for the patient to share every single and inevitable detail from their medical history with their dermatologist. Botox treatment might be dangerous, so, it’s better if you let your doctor decide whether botox is right for you or not.

An expert dermatologist is board certified and equally experienced in his/her field of practice. And, it’s very very important for you to choose someone who knows the required skill set to conduct a botox surgery. Not every clinic and self-proclaimed dermatologist know the job, which means just because they claim to know the job, they are not the right one for you.

The result of botox depends upon the skills of the injector, just one slight mistake, and the scenario can turn into something unfavorable. Thus, ensure that the doctor you’re choosing for yourself is well experienced, even if their services are expensive they are worth it.

Botox is known to enhance your skin and the immediate botox results may be beyond your expectations. However, slowly after the treatment gets more permanent, the post-botox result might not be as good as expected. So, rather than being disappointed and blaming yourself and calling your decision wrong, why not consult a dermatologist Have realistic expectations to know about what you should expect first.