Julian Sherman

8 Quick And Easy Ways To Save Water At Home

Do you want to start saving money on your household bills? It’s actually a lot easier than you think. If you’re like everyone else you waste far too much water every month. Here are some of the simplest ways to put an end to it right now.

  1. Be Careful When Brushing Your Teeth

Dentists say you should brush your teeth for a couple of minutes twice per day, but they don’t recommend leaving the tap running while you do it. You must start to turn it off when you’re not using it.

If you leave the tap on you’ll be throwing away nearly 25 litres of water every time you brush your teeth. That is roughly the same amount of water an average person drinks in a two week period.

  1. Stop Letting Water Leak Everywhere

How long does it take until you finally fix a leaking faucet once you’ve found it? Most people don’t take care of the problem instantly. If you want to save lots of water that will need to change.

You don’t notice how much water you’re wasting because it falls down the sink. You’ll have to hunt hard to find hidden leaks too. There could be a few in your home and there are a few ways to find them.

  1. Wash Your Clothes In Cold Water

When you wash your clothes in the future you don’t need to use warm water. Did you know roughly 75 percent of the energy your washing machine uses heats the water up? It doesn’t cost much to spin the machine.

If you’re wondering why this is important it’s because water is needed to create electricity. Stick to cold water and you’ll use up less in the future. There are lots of cold detergents you can choose from.

  1. Start Using A Low-Flow Shower Head

How many times have you heard people say you should take a shower instead of a bath? It’s obviously because you’ll save a huge amount of water. These days it’s easy to go one step further.

You can replace your old shower head with a low-flow model. This one simple change will help you save 2-3 times as much water. Once you’ve installed one you should still try to keep your showers as short as possible.

  1. Build Your Own DIY Low-Flow Toilet

It’s possible to buy low-flow toilets, but they cost a huge amount of money. Even though they’re worth it you probably won’t have enough spare cash lying around. It’s a lot easier to build your own low-flow toilet.

All you need to do is stick something inside your tank. When you flush the toilet in the future it won’t take much water until it fills up. You might need to carry out a few experiments until you get it right.

  1. Harvesting Rainwater In Your Garden

When it’s raining a huge amount of water will fall from the sky. It’s going to disappear into the ground and you’ll never see it again. You can change that by harvesting rainwater in your garden using barrels.

Hopefully you have a shed handy because it will be much easier. When the rain lands on the roof you’ll need to make sure it rolls into gutters. The downspout should fall directly into a rain barrel.

  1. Native Plants Require Less Water

If you want your garden to look beautiful it’s likely filled with plants. You’ll have to water them on a regular basis so they don’t die. Fortunately, some plants require less water than others.

Stick to native plants and you’ll use 30-60 percent less water going forwards. If you look hard enough you’ll find ones you like. You’ll get to enjoy a few extra benefits when you use native plants too.

  1. You Should Swap Your Hose For A Broom

It’s far too easy to turn your hose on when you need to wash your steps and path. Unfortunately, it’s also a waste because you usually don’t need water. You could brush everything away with a broom instead.

You can still use your hose in the future, especially if there is lots of dirt everywhere. Just make sure it’s not the first thing you turn to. You’ll find it’s just as quick using a broom.

These Tips Will Make A Huge Difference

Nothing we’ve talked about today will cause you a lot of problems, but it will save you swimming pools full of water. Can you imagine how much water you’d save in a year if you implemented all these tips right now?