Julian Sherman

Driven By Digital – How To Manage A Remote Workforce With Virtual Office Spaces

Remote working reduces overhead for small companies or startups for entrepreneurs in Indonesia. DigitalSoftw For the most part, it allows you to run your business from anywhere on the planet. Whether allowing employees to work at home or from some other place, the remote office has huge advantages.

For the employee, it allows them to have more command of their time. For employers, the benefits are related to the amount of money they save for office space. However, working remotely can also be a disadvantage to employers who do not remain in contact with their employees and to employees who can be distracted by the attractions that come from working at home. The virtual office, though, can be the solution that makes your business more productive.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which the virtual office can help you reign in your remote office and manage your business for a successful future.

Treat Your Virtual Office Space Like A Physical Address 

When in an office environment, employees and managers have a schedule by which they follow. In the same way, you should at least know when your employees will be at work, especially if they are being paid hourly. No, this does not mean you have to micromanage and remove the flexibility that goes along with remote working, but asking your employees to let you know when they will be available online is a part of managing an office. This is also important because, if you have a question or a concern, you should be able to contact the employee during business hours.

With the virtual office, you pretty much have access to the same IT services, so you can use email or even instant chat to contact your employees to see how they are progressing throughout the day. Plus, employees tend to remain on task when managers stay abreast of their work throughout the week. Ultimately, while remote working affords your employees the ability to set their own hours, you should try to get them to submit a schedule just as you would at a physical address.

Set A Schedule For Facetime  

Your employees should hear from you throughout the week. However, nothing takes the place of meeting in person with your employees. These meetings do not have to be every week, but your employees should engage with you in person at least once a month. When setting up meetings, make sure to have an agenda of the topics you want to cover, and if you do not have enough topics, make your meeting a lunch or dinner meeting in an effort to engage them socially.

Because you do not spend time during the work week with your employees, they should meet with you at least once a month to keep them abreast of office policy or for team building. Incidentally, the virtual office can really aid you in maintaining a physical presence with your employees. With professional-grade conference and meeting rooms and world-class IT services, most leasing offices can fit out your meetings with a number of amenities, including video-conferencing.

Schedule Your Connections  

Whether you are meeting with employees or messaging them, this should be done with routine. By setting up a routine for meetings and messages, you set up a structure for communications in the remote working environment. Furthermore, your employees know they can always expect to hear from you or meet with you during certain times of the week and month, respectively.

Structuring Your Virtual Office 

Running a remote outfit is very similar to running a business out of an office. In a remote working environment, routine rules the day and structure is the glue that holds the organization together. By establishing schedules and remaining in contact with employees, you set the tone for a successful virtual office in Indonesia.

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