Julian Sherman

Empiricism – A Philosophical View On Development Of Knowledge

The Theory of Empiricism advocates the contention related to the generation of knowledge through the effective utilization of sensory experience of human beings.

This blog will elevate the knowledge of students and their insight related to empiricism. The scope of scientific innovation appears limited in the concept of empiricism and it rather considers the significance of prior experience in explaining the scientific propositions. The theories are formulated with the utilization of empiricism derived from the observable findings rather than hypothetical innovations that require testing in a real time environment for their inclusion in the evidence-based research literature. The concept of empiricism exists in numerous domains. Lets take for example nursing practice requires a thorough exploration in the context of improving the quality of nursing interventions across the clinical settings. It is important for a nursing student to experience while getting on the job experience. But as it turns out some students shun away and take a different way to get experience. Thats one of the reason nursing students tend to skip the experience by taking nursing assignment help.

The philosophy of Empiricism

The attributes related to the knowledge exploration

• Knowledge from previous experience of research professionals or a hypothetical convention that does not warrant the consideration of prior experience for the effective configuration of a philosophical concept.

• Posteriori knowledge or a propositional concept that considers the derivation of knowledge from a previous experience, which is regarded as the source of the retrieved knowledge.

John Locke’s Concept

• John Locke concept of empiricism advocates disregards the concept of innate knowledge and considers the existing form of knowledge as a direct outcome of the previous experience. John considers the blank state of mind of a newborn that is gradually instilled with knowledge following the course of experience.

• Locke describes the concept of empiricism in terms of primary and secondary qualities that potentially assist the researchers in evaluating the development and progression of clinical conditions. The primary qualities derived from the real time scenarios and deal with the direct observation of a clinical condition; however, the secondary qualities described the psychosocial outcomes of the disease conditions on the senses of the affected patients.

Auguste Comte’s Concept

• Auguste Comte’s concept of empiricism emphasizes the significance of positivism in effectively resolving the human discrepancies. Comte advocates the utilization of scientific approaches in elevating the psychosocial profile of the patient population.

• Comte advocates the utilization of confirmable observations in scientific analysis for retrieving the evidence-based conclusions. He relates the scientific disciplines including astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and sociology to the systematic observations in the context of resolving the real life discrepancies.

Concept of Vienna Circle

• The concept of logical positivism advocated by ‘The Vienna Circle’ emphasizes the utilization of scientific verification for interpreting the observable scenarios.

• Karl Popper’s principle of empiricism deals with the utilization of conjecture and refutation in evaluating the scientific evidences. He advocates the configuration of reasoning-based theory and its rigorous testing in real life situations for deriving the scientific conclusions.

• The theory of falsification advocated by Karl Popper advocates the refutation of a theoretical hypothesis following its real time testing. The multiple evaluation of a theory in the context of testing its validation provides multiple opportunities to researchers in terms of improving the hypothesized principle for acquiring the desirable outcomes.

Post Positivist Empiricism

The effective utilization of post-positivist empiricism in today’s scenario allows the incorporation of modifications in the concept of empirical validation of complex observations. The evaluation of basic behaviour through randomized trials for testing its complexities is advocated by this new empirical approach in evidence-based nursing literature. The theory of empiricism is considered as an essential tool in validating the theories and hypothesis through natural observations in a real time environment.

However, the validation of observations in the absence of inductive reasoning and rational approaches leads to inappropriate conclusions and errors in scientific conclusions. Therefore, the appropriate utilization of empirical concepts in a practical environment necessarily warranted for retrieving the scientific conclusion with minimal scope of standard deviation.

Mordern day Empiricism

The utilization of empirical approaches for knowledge development is the need of today and recommended by the scientific community in the context of effectively enhancing the scope of evidence-based practice. Mordern day Empiricism has lot of usefulness in our lives. A student should always try to make best use of his sensory funtions in the best way possible.

This blog is written by Bella Williams , who is private tutor in Information Technology at Expert Assignment Help and loves working with students to help them out with IT assignments and software packages for their capstone projects. She breathes and lives around international students and understands their problems. She also conducts educational tours for students during vacation.