Julian Sherman

Great Facts About Different Metals

More than three-quarters of the chemical elements in the scientific periodic table are metals. There are also numerous alloys made from various mixtures of metals. We use metals in our everyday lives, but we tend to know little about these elements. The term metal comes from the Greek word “metallon” which translate to mine, excavate or quarry.

The most available metal on earth is iron followed closely by magnesium. All metals are in a solid state except mercury, strong, good conductors of both heat and electricity and malleable meaning that they can be bent and transformed into various shapes. Enjoy these fascinating facts about metals that you didn’t know about.

Precious Metals Have Significant Economic Importance

Did you know that most of the precious metals such as gold and silver are noble metals? This is the primary reason why currency is resistant to tear and wear since it’s manufactured from these metals. Apart from making currency, these metals also have great investment value.

Zinc Can Cure Common Cold

Medical studies have revealed that using a zinc spray or lozenges within 24 hours of the onset of common cold symptoms can alleviate the cold. However, you need to use the over-the-counter treatment option with a lot of caution since no optimal dosing has been established and too much zinc from the sprays can lead to loss of sense of smell.

Gold Has Its Twin

Yes, gold has its twin commonly referred to as the fool’s gold. The metal mimics gold in appearance, and you can easily mistake it for the real gold. The real name of fool’s gold is Pyrite. The ore contains sulfur and iron, and it was mainly used in the production of sulfuric acid during the Second World War. Today, the metal is mostly used in machinery, appliances, car batteries, and jewelry.

Most Radioactive Metals Don’t Glow

Despite what is portrayed in most movies and books, radioactive metals don’t glow in darkness. However, some of these radioactive metals react to produce visible light or glow from their internal heat. Some of the radioactive minerals that glow include actinium, plutonium, and radon.

Steel Is the Most Used Metal Alloy

Steel is an essential alloy that is generated from a combination of several metals, mostly iron. The three common types of steel are galvanized steel, stainless, steel, and carbon steel. This alloy is mainly used to manufacture products such as train rails, motors, knives, wires, and machines.

Each Home Contains Approximately 400 Pounds

If you account for the copper used in pipe systems, electrical wiring, and appliances, you will discover that each American home contains approximately 400 pounds of copper. An average car comprises at least 50 pounds of metal while a hybrid car can contain up to 75 pounds of metal. An average person uses almost 1,500 pounds of copper in the course of their lifetime.

Most Commonly Used Metals

The most commonly used metals are aluminum, iron, zinc, lead, and copper. These metals are valued for their unique ability to strength, recyclability and electrical and thermal properties. Their wide availability, ease of bending, participation in chemical reactions, and drawing into wire also make them the most preferred metallic elements.

Jenna Mancinni is acting president of the community “Make it Shine” team; a project created by Jenna, in which community members come together to help businesses and the local senior community keep their properties clean by recycling, and composting. When “Make it Shine” isn’t taking up her time she likes to take in local theater productions with her husband and kids.