Julian Sherman

How Much Does An HVAC Blower Motor Cost To Replace?

You air conditioning system, or HVAC system, is an important part of your home. Every AC is composed of many specialized parts, all working together to bring you and your family cool, clean air. When your AC blower motor gives out, the cool air from the unit has no way to get into the ducts and circulate throughout your house.

Although blower motors are made to last a long time, they are still susceptible to wear and tear throughout the years. You should schedule annual maintenance calls, in which a serviceman can examine your HVAC system, oil your motor, and detect any potential issues before they turn into costly problems.

Parts of a Blower Motor

There are two main parts involved in your blower motor: the motor itself and the surrounding fan cage. It is very rare for the fan cage to become damaged or need replacing. In contrast, there are many things that can go wrong with a blower motor. For example, the contact brushes can wear out, or there might be a bad bearing. In some cases, the technician will find a shorted armature.

Cost Factors

When calculating the cost of installing a new HVAC blower motor, there are few costs you want to consider. First and foremost, the price of the motor itself. On average, depending on the brand and type of motor, it will cost $150-$450 to replace the motor. Then you will have to factor in installation fees and rates of the contractor you have hired to do the job. In the case that you do need a new fan cage, that can cost an extra $250-$600.

Before you call an HVAC company to check out your AC system and replace your motor, be sure to check if the parts are covered under warranty still; this could save you some serious cash in the long haul!

Quality Service & Parts

To ensure that you get the service you deserve and a part that will last, follow these tips for hiring an HVAC contractor you can trust:

1. Try to have an understanding of what it is you’re in need of first.

2. Ask your friends, neighbors, and family for a recommendation – this will greatly reduce the chance of hiring a flakey HVAC company.

3. Make sure any companies you’re considering are licenced and certified. This can be done through your state’s Registrar of Contractors. In Arizona, go here: AZRoc.gov.

4. Get proof of insurance before work starts. If your contractor destroys your house and he’s not insured, guess who has to come out of pocket for those repairs?

5. Get a quote in writing before work begins. You can save a huge headaches be clearly defining the scope of the work prior to starting. This protects you and the contractor.

6. Get more than one quote. It doesn’t hurt to get a second quote. This also acts like a second opinion. Keep in mind that cheaper is rarely better.

7. If you have a gut feeling, follow it. If you suspect your contractor is going to flake out, don’t hire him.

Is your AC not working? Do you need a fan motor replacement? No matter what the issue is, ACE Home Services is here for all of your heating and cooling needs! Whether it’s faulty motor, or total system breakdown, we can tackle any job! Call your friends at ACE today! We will get your air conditioning system back in working order, all at a great price! You can always trust your place with ACE!