Julian Sherman

Italian Cuisine: Common Essential Ingredients

Italian restaurant

Connate to Italy, what makes the Italian cuisine great is that it maintains the same food pattern as the Mediterranean’s, focusing majorly on food substances such as sea foods, tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, red wine, whole grains, beans and green leafs which are substantially rich in essential essential nutrients. Much of that is attributed to the fact that it simply prepared to contain four to eight items from the essential ingredients. Regular consumption of such of such items as listed above or including them in your daily diet carries the weight in forms of naturally getting rid of excess fat from the body, enhancing the heartbeat rate, maintaining healthy skin, boosting the immune system, and lots more. A little more details about those items runs below:

Italian Cuisine: Common Essential Ingredients


A lot like or onion, or better yet, belonging the the onion family, garlic is a natural ingredient of Italian cuisine. It makes a great flavor and adds strong taste. other than that, garlic is has several medicinal values including serving making a great antibiotic as well as antioxidant. It fights it fights against bacteria, fungi and other similar oxidizing and harmful agents.

Garlic happens to be of the major sources of vitamin B3 and other essential nutrients which help thwart the cancer risk factors and symptoms. By consuming a significant amount of garlic or including say at least four cloves of it in every meal preparation, you are naturally fighting cancer as you are boosting your system to be immune to all cancer symptoms. This way also, you are enhancing the heart function for the fact inhibits clotting. The cloves or bulbs are crushed and grounded for each recipe in order for it to take effect.


A source of vitamin C, tomatoes are either served fresh or included in a dish as a topping to. It is rich in essential nutrients such as lycopene, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B3 and folate which are quite effective for inhibiting cancer causative agents and symptoms. Lycopene particularly fights against oxidants. Regular consumption of fresh tomatoes improves the functions of the heart. When cooked, its vitamin C potency reduces. But it still retains its antioxidizing potency.

Olive oil

A combination of butter and olive oil which is rich in monounsaturated fat makes a perfect cooking recipe for reducing saturated fat, lowering low density lipoprotein cholesterol as well as boosting high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Olive oil is also rich in polyphenols which are quite effective in combating oxidants and thus improving the heart function.

Whole grains

For the Mediterranean recipe, unrefined whole grains constitute the major ingredient of of a dish. Left whole and unrefined, the grains are highly rich in nutrients like fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and and antioxidants.

Other ingredients include dark green leaves which are in lutein and carotenoid, an antioxidant which inhibits ultraviolet radiation to prevent cancer or improve its symptoms, beans and legumes which are natural sources of protein for building body tissues, nuts which are a source of magnesium, calcium, monounsaturated fat, protein, vitamin E, folate, and fiber.