Julian Sherman

Most effective Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension

Nowadays everywhere Ayurvedic treatment is very popular. Nowadays Most of people prefer Ayurvedic treatment than allopathy treatment for its natural treatment and natural products. Ayurveda is a treatment where medicines are from historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. Alternatives medicines are derived from Ayurveda treatment. Not only in India Ayurvedic treatments are now famous all over the world. Most of the difficult disease which is not cured by allopath or any other treatment it can be cured by Ayurvedic treatment. There are many ayurvedic centers in India and all over the world.

About Ayurvedic Treatment   

The main concept about Ayurveda begins with the transmissions of medical knowledge which comes from the Gods and sages. Then it will be coming to human physicians. Ayurveda therapies involved over than two millennia. These therapies are based on complex herbal compounds, minerals, and metal substances. Ancient Ayurveda treatment also taught surgical techniques such as rhinoplasty, kidney stone extractions, etc. There are some suggestions that some of the substances used in ayurvedic treatment also helps to develop effective treatment but there is no evidence of effective as currently practiced. Ayurvedic treatment considered as a pseudoscientific. Some scholars believe that this treatment is originated in prehistoric times and some form the Indus Valley Civilization or even earlier.

About Hypertension

Hypertension or HNT/HT is known as high blood pressure or HBP. It is a long term medical condition where blood pressure in arteries is persistently elevated.  The result of the Long term high blood pressure is coronary artery diseases, atrial fibrillation, peripheral vascular diseases, stroke, heart failure, chronic kidney diseases vision loss, and dementia. High blood pressure is classified in two ways primary and secondary. Most of the cases are of primary and it happened due to nonspecific lifestyle and genetic factors. Lifestyle factors include excessive body weight, smoking, excess use of the salt in food, etc. 5-10% cases are secondary. It happened due to an identifiable cause such as chronic kidney diseases, narrowing of kidney arteries or use of birth control pills, etc. Ayurvedic treatment for hypertension high blood pressure is most effective in nowadays. Many people go under this treatment and get an effective result.

Ayurvedic treatment for hypertension

Nowadays the 90-95 percent of people have hypertension and high blood pressure. It affects the different portion and parts of the body. It creates the heart diseases, irregular heartbeat, ischemic heart diseases, etc. For this reason, some studies have been conducted on these treatments of hypertension and cow urine has been researched. In this type of research, it is proved that ayurvedic treatment is very much effective for hypertension and high blood pressure.


There are many institutions, many research centers are there in all over the world. They’re researching about the most effective treatment of Ayurveda which reduces hypertension and many other diseases which are difficult to cure by any other treatment. Ayurveda is very much popular in all over the world. Ayurvedic treatment only used the natural extractions of different natural products. In this polluted world ayurvedic treatment is very effective and helpful.