Julian Sherman

Thinking Of Creating A Federal Resume? Here’s What To Include …

If you’ve been planning to apply for that new federal job that had recently been announced, you will need to have a federal resume.

This type of Biography is:

· Longer than a private sector resume, where you keep things reduced to 1-2 pages

· Has a higher level of information and details

· Requires you to spend more time creating it

Thinking of creating a federal resume? Here’s what to include…

A Detailed List of Previous Experiences

It is advisable to start with the most recent job spell you had and continue in a reverse chronological order. Don’t be afraid to go into details. Aside from providing the basic information, such as a job position and start and ending dates, list what were your duties, what you accomplished at that job, how long you have worked per week and what was your salary.

Be aware that other qualifications such as training courses, licenses or different skills needed for the job can also play an important part in making a brilliant federal resume. Don’t neglect to mention any awards or honors you have received so far.

Highlight the Important Things

While you want to go in-depth, you also need to make sure to keep things organized. It is recommended to use a paragraph or bullet structure and highlight the important things while writing a federal resume. This way your biography will look more enticing and you will ensure it is not thrown away by the employers after just a quick glance.

· Emphasize Your Accomplishments – focus on things you’ve done on your previous jobs that you’re proud of

· Use numbers –write “enhanced document processing efficiency by 20%” instead of “contributed to efficiency of document processing”

· Concentrate on experiences important for the job you are applying for

Use the Exact Words from the Job Announcement

A crucial thing when it comes to making a brilliant federal resume is to adjust it to the job announcement. Don’t send out the same resume for all jobs that you’re applying for. Instead, read the job announcement carefully and address each of the required qualifications separately. If it says “MS Project” experience is required, make sure to list “MS Project” in your biography.

Make sure to also focus on the verbs. For example, if a word “implemented” is used in the job announcement, make sure to use it in your resume, too. It can be something like writing that you “implemented a new system for document processing”.

Special Hiring Authorities

If you are eligible for a special hiring authority, make sure to enlist it in your federal resume. These include:

· Schedule A – this hiring authority is intended for persons with disability. Make sure to include proof from a licensed doctor or an agency that has the authority to provide disability benefit

· AmeriCorps VISTA and Peace Corps Volunteers – You need to attach either a copy of your Service Letter or a DOS (Description of Services) to claim your non-competitive eligibility

· Veterans – Make sure to attach Disability Rating Letter (of at least 30%) or a Statement of Service if you’re still active in the army

Make Your Resume More Adjusted To Civilians

Perhaps you’re applying for a position in the military but there is a high chance that your resume will be read by someone from HR staff who isn’t adept at military terms. So, if you’re thinking of creating a federal resume, make sure to “civilianize” it. If you have trouble with creating a federal resume, please contact us for assistance: just email us with the words help me write a resume.

For example, instead of using the term “squad leader”, go for “team leader”. This will be much more understandable to hiring managers that’ll read your CV, and you will still successfully send the message of your military education and skills.

This article was prepared by Craftresumes Community.