Julian Sherman

Tips to Care For Your Butt After A Brazilian Butt Lift

There is more to getting a Brazilian butt lift than simply going in for butt injections. For one thing, the procedure is certainly more complex than people realize. Even after it’s done, there are risks and complications that make healing a procedure in itself. Here, we offer some tips for a healthy recovery.

Don’t Sit On Your Butt!

After the Brazilian butt lift you’ll be in recovery for a minimum of three weeks and this should not be the time to fall into old habits that will undo what your plastic surgeon has done.

Sitting down for longer can kill the fat grafts. Sitting can also put too much pressure on the newly transplanted fat cells. As new blood vessels take time in formation that actually strengthen the area, avoid directly sitting on your butt upright. Instead, lay on either side of your body.

Wear A Compression Garment

If you’re unsure what this is or where to get one, ask your doctor about it. Essentially, this is a garment that stretches and is deliberately designed to tightly hug whichever body part it’s designed to encompass. After there has been a fat transfer to buttocks, there will be a number of unwanted side effects, as your body heals. A compression garment will hug the buttocks to help eliminate swelling and bruising. It will also help the loose skin retract.

Limit Your Physical Activity

While it can be disastrous to sit on your butt during recovery, it can be equally harmful to be too active. Specifically, extreme or strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least a month. Instead, ask your doctor about light impact activities. He or she may recommend that you limit your workouts to stretches and walking for the time being.

Get Butt Massages

Even after your initial recovery period is over, there’s still something you can do to care for the site of your butt injections. Many plastic surgeons recommend getting professional massages over the site where the fat transfer to buttocks occurred. This kind of therapy can limit internal scarring and reduce the risks of developing edema. Like compression garments, massages can help to remold the soft tissue of the buttocks.

Walk, Walk, And Walk Some More

Finally, it’s important to stay mobile. While physical exertion may be ill advised, you also don’t want to remain idle. A lack of movement could cause blood clots to form.

Additionally, stay connected with your doctor through follow up visits to ensure the healing process has gone well. Failing to stay in contact means a minor problem could worsen and requires need for additional procedures. The key to a healthy recovery is to work with the surgeon to make sure your body responds to the treatment as it should. If there is a problem, your plastic surgeon may be able to solve it with a minor treatment, but only when it’s caught early enough.

The most important thing you can do for yourself is to follow your doctor’s advice precisely. Deviating from his or her recommendations could mean the difference between getting the look you want or needing a second procedure. The better you look after your new butt, the happier you’ll be with the results. Like any medical procedure or treatment, there are risks both during and after the surgery. If you and your doctor follow the established practices closely, you’ll come out looking and feeling your best. After all, a positive result is something both you and your doctor want.