Julian Sherman

Types of Posts for Facebook Rummy Lovers Page

As we all know, India is a nation full of rummy lovers. People from different corners of India love rummy equally. Since most people today connect with each other social networks like Facebook, you need to understand what kind of posts will go best on Facebook Pages for rummy lovers. This will be extremely helpful for rummy app developers and sites like Khelplay Rummy who wish to increase their social following on Facebook.

Quick Rummy Quiz for All Rummy Lovers

It is always best to come up with posts that include the readers. You may come up with some exciting rummy quizzes. If you want, you may have a link to the site on the rummy quiz and the winner of the quiz can be awarded free membership on the rummy app for a month. The quiz may include simple questions associated with rummy as listed below:

A good rummy player will surely know answers to all these questions. As you provide a month of free membership, the players get an opportunity to experience rummy online and decide whether the platform suits them. If they like it very much, they may choose for paid membership in future and this is a great benefit for the site.

Rummy Event Information in the Vicinity

Avid rummy players are always on the lookout for new events where they can showcase their rummy playing skills. If you are creating a Facebook page for all rummy game lovers, make it a point to share information regarding rummy events in the vicinity. Today most people know of events in the neighbourhood too through online notifications. Help rummy gamers enjoy the rummy experience as you inform them of the events in vicinity. Such posts will always be loved by rummy aficionados. This will also encourage more people to follow the Facebook Page.

Rummy Proverbs for the Day

Another way to stay in touch with rummy fans on Facebook is by sharing rummy related proverbs that the players can relate to. Such posts are short and people do not require much time to read or follow such posts. If the proverbs are truly inspiring, you may also observe that people follow and share the post.

Links to Sale on Rummy Accessories

The lovers of rummy games are sure to look for card accessories. You can use the Facebook Group page to share information about sale of different rummy accessories. You may also share when there are special festive offers so that people can buy the same accessories at a much more reduced rate.

Tips to Organise Rummy Parties

Many of the people in rummy enjoy being a part of rummy parties. They also enjoy organising such parties for their rummy playing friends in the locality or otherwise. That is why, as a Facebook Group for Rummy lovers, you may share posts on ‘Tips for Organising Rummy Parties’. This is a post that will be liked by most. Here is what you may include in such a post:

These tips will help people plan their parties better. It is also a great way to attract rummy players to your Facebook Group Page.