Julian Sherman

Utility and Significance Of SEO And Inbound Marketing

If you just started your business online, then, you are likely to hear the terms like: “SEO” and “inbound marketing”. These processes are mostly misinterpreted by the startups and local businesses. As a result, they are not able to make the most out of them.

The wrong connotation of these terms is a big mistake which people tend to commit. The two of these purposes serve different purposes. They are used to achieve different goals of business promotion and expansion.

The entire internet marketing world depends on them. SEO is so far considered to be the most effective technique to promote business. On the other hand, inbound marketing is a technique which provides powerful boost to the company’s product or service.

The precise understanding of these two components of marketing is necessary for company’s growth. If the marketers of an organization understand these two aspects, they can easily attain their business objectives within a predefined timeline.

Let’s take a quick glimpse at these two processes of marketing and their mechanism:

What is SEO?

SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization” which is used for increasing the website ranking in Google search. In order to make website search-friendly, target audience is kept in mind while implementing it for a given project.

Businesses use every possible way to achieve the rich SEO oriented content for the website. If you use quality master keywords in your copy and allocate them properly, then, the promotion and expansion prospects of your company increase greatly.

SEO is intended at reaching the audience and connecting with the target audience. There are several factors which are beneficial in attaining SEO goals. These objectives may include finding the targeted keywords, their relevance as well as their frequency in the content. Titles, description, site URL and navigation are other aspects which make a website user-friendly and search friendly.

Constant updates of Google trends with respect algorithm is the biggest challenge which organizations have to overcome during SEO implementation. For instance, it is not necessary that techniques you used last year will work in the current year as well.


Inbound marketing actually takes place after the “SEO” is successfully implemented in the business promotion. After customer acquires the knowledge about the brand and your company product, you can retain them. Inbound marketing plays a significant role of converting target audience into potential customers.

Inbound marketing is totally opposite to traditional marketing methods. Some of the most common methods of inbound marketing are email marketing, Social Media marketing, video marketing, blogging etc.

It provides a call to action to audience. Inbound marketing aims at providing solution to the problem. It further gives them a business insight, so that, they can plan their next course of action.

Which one is better?

Most of you must have already understood that these two processes complement each other. You need to use use SEO and inbound marketing to promote your business rightly.

Without SEO, you will not get traffic, audience reach will be low, website appearance will not be appealing. Since SEO is a comprehensive technique, it considers all the aspects which can increase the search-friendliness of website.

On the other hand, your efforts employed in SEO will go waste, if you don’t utilize inbound marketing afterwards. Customers will not find any reason to trust your brand. With a lack of guidance, they will directly come across purchase page. They will not see any purpose to choose the services of your company.

Final call

Primarily, you should focus on the two methods and implement upon them. You will emerge as the trusted marketer on web. Allocate sufficient resources for utilizing SEO and inbound marketing in order to establish your brand in the market.