Think you don’t need home insurance? Think again! To some home owners, home insurance is just a requirement that the banks or other lending institutions put on you until your home is paid for. Getting the minimal coverage when you have to and then dropping it altogether once the requirement ends may seem excessive until something happens that could leave you in a mess!
Your insurance agent or broker has access to a number of home insurance lines that will protect your home and/or the possessions inside from damage. The value of the coverage depends on the carriers that the agent or broker gets the insurance coverage from. Superior Access explains that “We offer immediate access to preferred, national carriers that offer an extensive variety of home insurance lines for versatile solutions.”
Home Insurance Lines for Different Types of Homes
Some homes are perfectly maintained while others are complete disasters just waiting for an accident to happen. Most fit somewhere in-between the two. Home owner’s insurance that is designed to cover liability in case someone else gets hurt on your property shouldn’t be the same for all situations. Instead, you should have the option to purchase more affordable insurance if your risk is low. Some special cases on each end of the scale include:
- Well-Maintained Homes with No Previous Losses
- Homes with Only Minor Losses
- Hard to Place Homes
- High-Value Homes
Different home insurance lines may cover fire, flood, earthquakes, and other acts of nature. Depending on the carrier that the agent or broker gets the insurance lines from, some coverage may not be available or it may only be offered in addition to other types of coverage. The types of coverage offered can also depend on the area where you live.
An insurance agent or broker knows all about insurance and the different types of coverage included in different policies. Most home owners do not. The best way to get the right coverage is to talk with the agent or broker and ask about the different home insurance policies they offer and how to fill in any gaps that might exist in your coverage now. Home insurance is a necessity for any home owner and for those who are renting their homes as well. Even if you don’t own your home, you want to protect everything on the inside from damage or theft that could end up costing you big bucks without it.
The relationship between the home owner and the insurance agent is important to the agent and the home owner as well. It is up to the agent to obtain access to the best variety of home insurance lines and guide their clients on getting the right coverage for their needs. It is up to you as a home owner to base your decision on insurance on the potential risk of your home and possessions and not on getting the “minimal requirement” to get by.