Julian Sherman

A Guide About Stem Cell Therapy

Of late stem cell therapy has turned out to be a major cure for disorders like autism. This would be based on the fact that no form of surgical treatments is available for curing the same. The trend that has been observed is that certain creative areas of the brain do get damaged and are not in a position to function in a normal manner as well. One of the main objectives of this treatment would be to repair the damaged cells. It aims to restore the lost functions and in the process the quality of life improves by leaps and bounds. With the help of this therapy individuals do become independent and they are able to integrate into the society in a better way. With the help of stem cells they can convert into any other tissues of the body.

How the procedure is being conducted?

In most of the centres the stem cell therapy would count to be a reliable and safe procedure. Here no form of injections is needed and you only require surgery. From the bone marrow of the patient you go on to garner the stem cells. As part of the procedure there are 3 steps involved

In terms of the stem cell therapy for autism in India you can consider it to be a safe procedure. As per medical records till date no adverse case has been reported from the same as well. Having said so problems do occur at some times. But all of them can be cured without too much of a hassle.

As far as the outcome of this disorder is concerned it is deemed to be positive on all counts. In a majority of patients positive outcomes have been expected by this disorder. You are bound to show better eye contact and decrease in the tendency of eye contact is some of the major symptoms in this regard.