Julian Sherman

Read This IF: You Are Using A Prosthetic Hand

A prosthetic hand can surely assist you in daily activities. The prosthetic arm, knee or leg; needs care and maintenance. Otherwise, the user may end up suffering from the various infections and reduced flexibility of amputated body part.

While setting the length and the position of the prosthetic hand or limb compare the stump and measure it to the fit opposite limb.

Prosthetic limbs call for alteration in the day to day activities that we perform. For example, it is advisable to take a bath in the night as the warm water may cause body parts to swell.

The protection of the skin is considered an important step when using a prosthetic device. Taking care of the skin ensures the socket, the stump and other parts of the device are not causing any rashes on the skin.

The body parts may change shape and size. The change might be a slight one. However, this slight change can cause a big trouble to the amputated limb.

Device maintenance is often ignored by the users that have been using a prosthetic device for a long time.

In case of any issues related to the device and the residual limb taking the advice of a  doctor or prosthetist.