There are a lot of things to be excited about before you get to college. The first few days before you venture off can be full of anticipation. However, these first days can also be full of trepidation. You’ll have a million questions about your life on the big campus. One of the main concerns you may have is whether you will enjoy living in the dorms. There is a good chance that you have seen a torrent of films about dorm room life. In fact, your entire picture of dorm life may be painted by the fantasies portrayed in the movies.
However, most movies don’t paint the whole picture and you may find yourself disillusioned when you move in. This mostly has to do with misconceptions pertaining to dorm life. Indeed, most of what you hear just isn’t true. Here are five big misconceptions about college dorms.
- You’ll Have Your Own Bathroom
One of the biggest misconceptions about college dorms is that you’ll have your own bathroom. Instead, you will have a common bathroom with showers, toilets and sinks that are shared by all the students on your floor.
- You Won’t Have to Clean
Another misconception is that you can let your dorm room build up with clutter and junk and you won’t have to clean. Of course, your high school bedroom may have been cleaned up for you, but you will be responsible for cleaning your own dorm, which includes throwing out junk and clutter, sweeping, mopping and making sure that your bed is made every morning.
- It Will beStocked with Everything You Need
When you get to your dorm, you may be surprised to see that things are quite bare. In fact, there may not even be a mattress yet – and certainly no furniture. All you will usually get is a bed frame and a desk. It is up to you to furnish your own dorm room and to personalize it as you see fit. Of course, you will have a roommate, so you will both need to collaborate on the interior decoration.
- Your Roommate Will beYour Best Friend
When it comes to the person you are bunking with, there is a chance that you won’t get along with your roommate. This is usually because you don’t have much in common, or you both come from different backgrounds. However, you may want to wait to see if you and your roommate get along – the relationship may need some time. If you are really not getting along with your roommate, you may want to ask for a transfer.
- Your Parents Will beKept Apprised of Everything You’re Doing
On top of everything, a lot of students believe that their every move will be watched when they move into their dorm room. However, college life is not like high school life – you will have a lot of freedom. Even if you are taking a GWU online course program and are living on your own, you will be able to set your own rules. In the end, though, just because you won’t have supervision, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be responsible and respectful.